- Bright, K., & Colón-Aguirre, M. (2023). Special guest editorial: Inclusive pedagogies and services. Reference Services Review, 52(1), 3-6. https://doi.org/10.1108/RSR-10-2023-0072
- Colón-Aguirre, M., & Bright, K. (2023). “So, that would have been useful”: Curriculum in LIS in support of liaison librarian preparation. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science. (Accepted Peer-Reviewed Article)
- Bright, K., Dupont, S., Kumaran, M., Cardena, I., & Sugrim, S. (2023). Hybrid vision panel: Progress not perfection: DEI work within information organizations. NASIG Proceedings, 83, 200-204. https://doi.org/10.3998/nasig.4306 200 (Conference Proceedings)
- Matusiak, K., Bright, K., & Schachter, D. (Eds.). (2023). Bridging research and library practice: Global perspectives on education and training. De Gruyter Saur. (Edited Book)
- Matusiak, K., Bright, K., & Schachter, D. (2023). Introduction: Bridging the gap. In Bridging research and library practice: Global perspectives on education and training (pp. 4-12). De Gruyter Saur. (Book Chapter)
- Bright, K. (2023). Research confidence of liaison librarians: Providing faculty research support. In K. Matusiak, K. Bright, & D. Schachter (Eds.), Bridging research and library practice: Global perspectives on education and training (pp. 197-210). De Gruyter Saur. (Book Chapter)
- Colón-Aguirre, M., & Bright, K. (2023). Demystifying research methods. The importance of research methods for librarian preparation: A perspective from the United States. In K. Matusiak, K. Bright, & D. Schachter (Eds.), Bridging research and library practice: Global perspectives on education and training (pp. 25-36). De Gruyter Saur. (Book Chapter)
- Bright, K. M. (2023). Successful library EDI assessment: Impact of participatory data collection approaches. 15 International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries. (Submitted Conference Proceedings Paper)
- Bright, K. (Forthcoming). Research confidence of liaison librarians: Providing faculty research support. In K. Matusiak, K. Bright, & D. Schachter (Eds.), Bridging research and library practice: Global perspectives on education and training. De Gruyter Saur. (Accepted Book Chapter)
- Matusiak, K., Bright, K., & Schachter, D. (Eds.). (Forthcoming). Bridging research and library practice: Global perspectives on education and training. De Gruyter Saur. (Accepted Edited Book)
- Bright, K. (2022, November 1). The value of a DEI audit: What an assessment can show you - and why you should care. American Libraries. https://americanlibrariesmagazine.org/2022/11/01/the-value-of-a-dei-audit/
- Bright, K. M., & Colón-Aguirre, M. (2022). Prepare to be unprepared? LIS curriculum and academic liaison preparation. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 48(6). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2022.102602 (Peer Reviewed Article).
- Jones, K., VanScoy, A., Bright, K., Harding, A., & Vedak, S. (2022). A measurement of faculty views on the meaning of value of student privacy. Journal of Computing in Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12528-022-09320-7 (Peer-Reviewed Article)
- Matusiak, K., Bright, K., & Schachter, D. (2022). Conducting international research in the library and information science field: Challenges and approaches. AIB Studi, 62(2), 367-378. https://doi.org/10.2426/aibstudi-13396 (Peer-Reviewed Article)
- Bright, K. (2022). Equity of Access, Diversity, and Inclusion. In S. Hirsh (Ed.), Information services today: An introduction. Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group. (Book Chapter)
- Bright, K. (2022). Setting yourself up for a successful post-residency career: Maximizing the impact of your residency experiences and opportunities. In P. Gorecki & A. Petrovich (Eds.), Residencies Revisited: Reflections on Library Residency Programs from the Past and Present. Library Juice Press. (Book Chapter)
- Bright, K. (2022). Assessing DEI efforts in academic libraries: More than a body count. In B. Lym & C. Lee (Eds.), Implementing Excellence in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Handbook for Academic Libraries. Association of College and Research Libraries. (Book Chapter)
- Colón-Aguirre, M., & Bright, K. (2022). Incorporating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) into research. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 63(3), 237-244. https://doi.org/10.3138/jelis-2021-0013. (Peer-Reviewed Article)
- Bright, K. M., & Colón-Aguirre, M. (2021). Encouraging interdisciplinarity: The impact of assignment requirements on students’ use of interdisciplinary sources in an LIS research methods course. In Brecha entre investigación y práctica bibliotecológica. Cómo reducir la distancia [The gap between research and library practice. How to reduce the distance] (Vol. 1, pp. 105–117). Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. (Book Chapter)
Bright, K., & Rendón, J. N. (2021). Slicing into the privilege layer cake [Blog post]. Intersections. http://www.ala.org/advocacy/diversity/odlos-blog/slicing-privilege-layer-cake - Bright, K., & Vanscoy, A. (2021). The head nod: Realizing the value of a diverse research team. Curriculum & Teaching Dialogue: Journal of the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum (AATC). (Accepted)
- Petrowski, M. J., Bright, K., & Colón-Aguirre, M. (2021, July 21). VAL spotlight series: Practices of equity & social justice – Dr. Kawanna Bright and Dr. Mónica Colón-Aguirre [Blog post]. ACRL Insider. https://acrl.ala.org/acrlinsider/val-spotlight-series-practices-of-equity-social-justice-dr-kawanna-bright-and-dr-monica-colon-aguirre/
- Jones, K., VanScoy, A., Bright, K., & Harding, A. (2021). Do they even care? Measuring instructor value of student privacy in the context of learning analytics. Proceedings of HICSS-54: 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Virtual. (Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings)
- Bright, K. (2020, December 28). A high percentage of fear? Using Turnitin and other plagiarism detection software to deter plagiarism without increasing student anxiety. Integrity Matters: An ICAI Blog. https://www.academicintegrity.org/blog/educational/a-high-percentage-of-fear-using-turnitin-to-deter-plagiarism-without-increasing-student-anxiety (Reviewed Blog Post)
- Matusiak, K., & Bright, K. (2020). Teaching research methods in master's level LIS programs: The United States perspective. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 61(3), 357-382. (Peer-Reviewed Article)
- VanScoy, A., & Bright, K. (2019). Articulating the experience of "uniqueness and difference" for librarians of color. The Library Quarterly, 89(4), 285-297. https://doi.org/10.1086/704962 (Peer-Reviewed Article)
- Bright, K., & Ghouse, N. J. (2018). Taking AIM: Integrating organization development into the creation of a diversity, equity, and inclusion audit. In s. Baughman, S. Hiller, K. Monroe, & A. Pappalardo (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2018 Library Assessment Conference: Building effective, sustainable, practical assessment (pp. 589-599). Association of Research Libraries. https://www.libraryassessment.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Proceedings-2018-rs.pdf (Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings)
- Bright, K. (2018). A woman of color's work is never done: Intersectionality, emotional and invisible labor in reference and information work. In R. L. Chou & A. Pho (Eds.), Pushing the margins: Women of color and Intersectionality in LIS (pp. 163-195). Library Juice Press. (Refereed Book Chapter)
- Vanscoy, A. & Bright, K. (2017). Including the voices of librarians of color in reference and information services research. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 57(2), 104-114. (Refereed Journal Article)
- Vanscoy, A., & Bright, K. (2016). Racial/ethnic matching in information intermediation. Proceedings of ISIC, The Information Behaviour Conference, Zadar, Croatia, 20-23 September, 2016: Part 1, Information Research, 21(4), Paper ISICS1603. http://InformationR.net/ir/21-4/isic/isics1603.html. (Refereed Conference Proceedings)
- Bright, K., Askew, C., & Driver, L. (2014). Transforming reference services: More than meets the eye. In C. Forbes & J. Bowers (Eds.), Rethinking reference for academic libraries: Innovative developments and future trends (pp. 117-134). Scarecrow Press. (Book Chapter)
2003 - 2013
- Chang, A., & Bright, K. (2012). Changing roles of middle managers in academic libraries. Library Management, 33(4/5), 213-220. (Refereed Journal Article)
- Peters, A. C., & Bright, K. (2012). Meetups and videos and deals, oh my! The joys and pitfalls of running library social media campaigns. Library Communication Journal. (Journal Article)
- Bright, K., & Chung, H.-D. (2011). The library mystery scavenger hunt. In T. R. McDevitt (Ed.), Let the games begin! Engaging students with field-tested interactive information literacy instruction. Neal-Schuman Publishers. (Book Chapter)
- Bullard, K., Bolorizadeh, A., Bright, K., & Gray, L. (2007). Options for integration: Creating a flexible library research module for the first year experience curriculum. Tennessee Libraries, 57(1). http://www.tnla.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=120 (Conference Proceedings)
- Bright, K., Chaudhuri, J., & Mundava, M. (2006). The Diversity Librarians' Network. In B. I. Dewey & L. O. Parham (Eds.), Achieving diversity: A how-to-do-it manual for librarians (pp. 187-202). Neal Schuman Publishers. (Book Chapter)
- Bright, K. M., Agnew, S., Arnold, T., Gray, L., Hristov, N., Keally, J., Puente, M.A., & Robinson, W. (2006). Recruiting the under-represented: The Science Links Experience. In P. A. Kreitz & J. DeVries (Eds.), Recruiting, training and retention of science and technology librarians. The Haworth Information Press. (Book Chapter); (Simultaneously published as a refereed journal article in Science & Technology Libraries, 27(1/2), 121-134. (Refereed Journal Article)
- Mack, T., Bright, K., Chaudhuri, J., Flynn, L., & Mundava, M. (2005). Zoom in: Non-traditional models of staff enrichment. Tennessee Libraries, 55(2). http://www.tnla.org/associations/5700/files/complete552.pdf. (Conference Proceedings)
- Bright, K., Chaudhuri, J., & Mundava, M. (2005). Seeding the vision: Designing a minority librarian residency program - part 2. The Southeastern Librarian, 53(3), 6-11. (Refereed Journal Article)
- Bright, K., Chaudhuri, J., & Mundava, M. (2005). The Diversity Librarians' Network: Connecting, sharing, succeeding! Versed: Bulletin of the Office for Diversity, American Library Association. (Refereed Electronic Journal Article)
- Mundava, M., Chaudhuri, J., & Bright, K. (2004). Preparing diverse graduates for careers in professional librarianship: A focus on the University of Tennessee Libraries Minority Residency Program. Tennessee Libraries, 54(2). http://www.tnla.org/associations/5700/files/v54n2spr2003.pdf. (Conference Proceedings)